The Moirai
October 19, 2020 11:59pm
Everything is old. The Moirai call the shots for men and Gods. Your ancient pain serves only to entertain as a feral cat chases your ball of yarn over the marble floor of eternity. You will tire of your own misery, your tears will dry leaving tracks on aged cheeks that never learned to smile because you would not avert you eyes and you could not reconcile the ruins of dreams that were hammered to rock dust in the brutal sun. But look what you’ve won! Your respite is complete and you no longer care about the beliefs you thought defined you. Where are they now sad child? Discarded with all the rest of the material things and the unnecessary accoutrements of the personality that you called the self. It’s all a charade. Tomorrow you will wake, ignore the truths you have admitted, and do what you’ve done during your entire tenure on this earth.
Fates, Moirai, Parcae, Vedic Rta, Avestan Asha, Egyptian Maat. Everyone knew it….perhaps nothing happens by chance? No, not a chance… ALL happens by chance.