What you “have”
July 9, 2020
Personhood is a very slippery concept. We think our bodies are integral but they can be taken from us. Perhaps the only thing we really “have” is the ongoing perception of consciousness. Even our memories are subject to gaslighting by our egos!
Maybe we have no idea just how lucky we are. We often dwell on those things in life that were unobtainable but fail to see that of all the generations of humans who have trod the earth, ours may have been the one with the most advantages, opportunities, and abilities. Even still, happiness may be elusive. Events, conditions, and timing may conspire to effect our happiness or they may conspire to stunt its development. Happiness, in the end, is a choice for those who are able to make it. If, however, you cannot ignore the truth, you will find this choice an impossibility and you will be captive to the master you chose long ago.