I have provided credit when quoting brief passages from others’ work. This to encourage further reading of these authors who have influenced my thinking and it is done with the hope that it always meets fair use guidelines for non-commercial use. This is a free site paid for by me and I receive nothing for hosting it….not even ad revenue….zero.
If you are an author or legal representative of a work quoted here and you question the “fair use”, email me at borderlandjournal@gmail.com and I will remove all references to your name and your work if that is your desire.
Links to this site are welcomed.
Reproduction of content:
Regarding the use of my own copyrighted material which includes everything on this site that is not credited to another, I do not mind its use for NON-COMMERCIAL ONLINE purposes as long as it is always credited to me, Rod Smothers, you provide a link back to borderlandjournal.com and the use meets my personal standards. Non-commercial means you receive no income from your efforts….not even ad revenue. If my work is to be included in any format for which you are compensated, or if it is to be included in any print publication, we need to talk. The grant of free use in non-commercial formats is always subject to change and can be withdrawn at my discretion.