June 2020

The Unknowable Mystery

June 9, 2020 12:08am

So, if Nietzsche is right and God is dead – that is, he never existed. Then God and indeed all religion is a man-made construct, and the concept is, in fact, a humanistic fabrication. Like any of the humanist belief systems, the idea of a God developed in the mind and migrated to the world. So, anyone who does not believe in God should take some comfort from the fact that he is simply an invention of man and therefore his existence is only a psychological aide that we can use like any other “therapy” developed by man.

I often wish that i had never existed because it seems to me that we are here only to suffer. If I had never existed, nothing would have changed: it wouldn’t matter and I would not have been dragged and whipped through every conceivable doubt about consciousness, existence, and life itself. I led a completely unremarkable life after believing, as a young man, that I would be different, that my life would be different from all those that I saw around me. I would have purpose, meaning, connection. Instead, my life….I, was common, ordinary, uninspired and uninspiring. A selfish, self-centered, self-important illusion concerned with his own desire to be loved for reasons that never existed, and now I finish out this sad tale knowing that I completely deceived myself for 63 years about myself, my abilities, my motives, my God…all to maintain the illusion that I was a unique and worthy creature who would be above the usual existence and who would be saved from desolation in the end and who would find that unknowable mystery for which we all search. Game over – none of it ever happened.

This may seem somewhat harsh but if we are ever to really know ourselves, we must be completely objective and take a hard look at the interior landscape of our minds.

Irrational Man

June 16, 2020 10:28pm

William Barrett in “Irrational Man – A Study in Existential Philosophy” quotes an Egyptian from 4,000 years ago: “…..robbers abound….no one ploughs the land. People are saying: “we do not know what will happen from day to day.”

The complexity of modern life with almost every individual a group unto him/herself fighting for their right to live according to their own private belief system is shattering any semblance of community or good will. Add to this trend the total ignorance of many people and you get BLM and anarchists defacing monuments to abolitionists and black Civil War units while the REAL problems plaguing the black community are totally ignored and the media and the BLM supporters fan the flames of our destruction.