
Almost a year ago, December, I was a graduate. In January, I was a newspaper reporter. In July, I was a European traveler. In November, I am a carpenter. In January, I will be a student again. Circle game. But at least I’m glad I’m in a dynamic situation rather than sitting in a cold house trailer in Benton.

Listen, life’s seconds tick away by the thousands, millions even – why do people spend their time in meaningless pursuits?

I pass an office building every morning. It’s brightly lit, a haven from the dark chill outside. The people sit at their desks before their video display terminals with hard boiled eggs in a drawer for lunch. Mind you, I have learned not to belittle these people just for their occupation but I’m afraid the world is passing them by while they watch through large plate glass windows. I don’t want the same fate to befall me and there – in essence – is the reason why I haven’t settled into a permanent job and etc.

Anyway, in January, I’ll be back in Lexington working on a degree in Animal Science. The prospect pleases me. I hope I can find a good job to support myself. I don’t know, things are not that important to me. Someday I’ll look back on this and the whole thing will be like seeing the countryside on a dark day.

Saturday, 405 followers of the Rev. Jim Jones committed suicide in their Guyanan refuge. Don’t ask me why, they just did. It makes little sense but then little does. Sometimes I feel that I’ve been so sheltered ….I’m out of touch with the real world. But I suppose we all make our own realities. My comfortable fantasy reality is just as real as the reality of the cut-off-electricity ghetto blues reality.

Every one says you have to face reality – I agree – all I ask in the freedom to choose my own reality.

Does time exist in heaven or is it only functional on Earth? Maybe God is immune to time. Maybe time is a disease we have all contracted and we too can become immune.